Coming this month, as per a Facebook status update, the premium multihost service LinkSnappy is adding direct-download torrent support to their Elite premium accounts in August, 2014.

Linksnappy Facebook Status Update: Torrent Support in August, 2014

In addition to supporting direct-downloading of torrents, which is also possible using a PutDrive premium account, LinkSnappy is giving members 15GB of storage space, presumably to store the downloaded torrent files. This new and awesome feature is being offered free of charge to existing LinkSnappy members.

About LinkSnappy Premium (Elite)

LinkSnappy is a premium multihoster service that supports downloads from around 60 sites. It offers plugins / add-ons / extensions for Firefox, Chrome, MiPony, Load!, jDownloader and PonyDroid.

It offers monthly options for an Elite / Premium account, which runs from £7.99 (€10 / $13.50) for 30-days access to £33.99 (€32.70 / $57.30) for 180 days (6 months), but the two largest packages include free vouchers for 30 days or 90 days free of premium service. Another nice option for LinkSnappy members is they offer a 1-week multihoster account package that costs £2.99 / €3.75 / $5 – which is perfect if you just need to download large files or a bunch of files for a short period of time.

Overall, LinkSnappy has favorable reviews and with the soon-to-be-added torrent download support, the value for a LinkSnappy account is increasing steadily. I only wish I had decent high-speed internet so I could try out the service and give it a thorough review myself. But, my max download speed of 768KB/s isn’t really viable for testing the speed from a premimum multihoster… People can download files without a premium account at above my maximum speeds…

So, if you’re in the market for a multihoster service that offers torrent download support, LinkSnappy should soon. The cost is about the same as a PutDrive, Zevera or MyDownloader account, and while each of these services have their own benefits, LinkSnappy looks to support several filehosting sites that the other top multihoster services do not (see on the filehoster comparison page). I think it’s worth checking out LinkSnappy for that fact alone.

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