This website needs a major content overhaul. I started this website in 2013, and some 4 years later, some of this information is outdated and in desperate need of updates. Life got turned upside down during that period, and projects like this took the back burner, even with the best of intentions to keep things moving along. It’ll take some time to fix old posts, and it’ll be an ongoing process. One which I’ve slowly started.

Current Multihoster Recommendations

Lately, I’ve been using LinkSnappy, primarily for occasional torrent downloads. I’ve done a great deal of filehoster testing in random spurts, and following their Facebook page as well. LinkSnappy’s service is as solid as a multihoster service as I’ve ever used. Any of the services I’ve referenced regularly on this site have shown to be decent or better during the periods I’ve spoken about them, but I’ve been using LinkSnappy for years — they’ve been continuously solid and improving their services over that time. So, if you’re looking for a multihoster service and they support sites you use, I recommend you check them out.

Last month I tested out a service I just discovered: Linkifier. My initial service review is already online. After a couple of short tests, it seemed to work decently, but was happier with the download tool within the member’s area more so than with jDownloader downloads. I can’t speak too much of it yet other than I tried numerous popular filehosting sites, and all of them worked, even though there was a temporary problem with Keep2Share.

I’ll probably hold off on a full, proper review for any service (mostly concerning speeds) until I get a new internet service provider — I’m hoping to have access to either a 250Mbps or a 1Gbps account. That likely / hopefully should take place in January, 2018.

Service review recommendations

If you have any services that you’d like tested out, feel free to share them below. I’ll only likely review multihoster services that provide me free access to test things out for a bit.

In the meantime… I’ll be working on this site week by week to get things up-to-date and possibly restructured so that it’s easier to find the latest information relevant to what you came here looking for.

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