Yes. There are actually two options here that I might recommend.
First, there’s a LinkSnappy premium account. While LinkSnappy offers 30-day to 180-day premium accounts, plus gives members that purchase certain packages vouchers for up to 90 days free service, they also offer a weekly multihoster account option.
This 7-day premium multihoster account is priced at £2.99 (or €3.75 or $5 US) and gives you access to 60+ sites to download files from. This is the perfect option if you just need to download a large file, a lot of large files, or even just a lot of smaller files for a short period of time and don’t want to purchase 30 days of service when you won’t use it.
The second option is a block Gigabyte account from the multihoster Zevera. A 50GB block account costs €9.99 or about $13.40 right now, but that bandwidth doesn’t expire. Yes, it’s about 2.5x more expensive than a 7-day LinkSnappy account, but you can literally use up that premium-account access via Zevera over the course of months or even years. I know that the bandwidth doesn’t expire first-hand: I bought a Gigabyte package from Zevera in late 2011 and in 2013 I still had about 5GB left (I purchase multiple different accounts vs. renewing – better privacy).
Some individual filehosters offer 1-week premium accounts as well, but the value compared to a multihoster like LinkSnappy just isn’t there. That is, unless you only want to download from an individual filehosting site, then you might be better off just purchasing a premium account directly with the filehoster.
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